Inform, reassure and inspire
The R&D team of a large pharmaceutical company went through a 3-year-long change management programme.
Arriving at the end of the project, the team wanted to share the positive impact it had on their working methods with the wider company.

Convincing a scientific team to step away from charts and description of the medicines project was challenging.
Working closely with senior management, we found five transversal themes to highlight the results. We educated the teams so that the 50 posters produced used limited technical jargon, presenting the challenges faced and positive new processes.
Visually, we directed the designer to use one style for all posters and have a different colour scheme for each theme, thus reinforcing unity and variety of successes.
The goal was to inspire, and we did. The day was a great success, generating buzz and reassurance throughout the company.
What our client says
Thank you so so much. Your help in getting the message right was key to our success.
The clarity of the information presented in our posters and the quality of our arguments were underlined by our visitors. They were also surprised by the diversity of our expertise and the methods we proposed.
Sandrine Guilleminot Director of Biostatistic Department, Servier
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